•Analysis Studio is used for multidimensional analysis & exploration of large data sources.
•It is for any business user who must understand & discover answers to business questions.
•Using Analysis Studio, one can
–find & focus on items that are important to business
–understand trends and anomalies
–compare data, such as actual results to budgeted results
–assess performance by focusing on the best or worst results
–establish relative importance using calculations
–share findings with others
Creating New Analysis
•You can create a new analysis using either a blank analysis or the default analysis.
•Before you create a new analysis, you must select a package to use as a source of data.
•You can also open an existing analysis to use as the basis of a new analysis, changing it, and saving it using another name.
•From Cognos Connection, click Analysis Studio link, select a package.
•In the New dialog box, choose whether to use a Blank Analysis or the Default Analysis.
–A blank analysis starts with a blank crosstab in the work area.
–A default analysis uses the first two dimensions & the first measure in the data source for the crosstab rows, columns & measure.
Handling Crosstab Items
•Analysis is a process in which you explore the relationships between items to help you understand your business.
•You can manipulate the way rows and columns appear in a crosstab for more effective comparison by
–nesting rows or columns
–swapping rows and columns
–limiting the details shown in a set
–showing or hiding rows or columns
Nested Rows / Columns
•You can nest items in a crosstab to compare information by using more than one item in a column or row.
•In the overview area, you can drag the boxes that represent the nested items to quickly change the nesting order.
•You can expand and go down levels to nest items from a single dimension.
Stacked Sets
•Stacked Set is Inserting data before or after a selected set in a row/column.
•This gives more flexibility to the crosstab for accommodating data.
•To create stacked set,
–create a nested crosstab first,
–Select it’s set from overview
–Right-click desired level from insertable objects pane
–From the Insert menu, click on Above / Below / Before / After selected set in sub menu
Swapping rows & columns& Specifying Number of Details
•Swapping Rows & Columns
–Click the swap rows and columns button on the toolbar.
–You can also use the overview area to swap rows and columns by dragging the sets from one area to the other.
•Specifying No. of Details in sets
–Select a set & Right-click à Properties.
–In the Display section of the properties pane, click Visible items.
–Click a number or click Custom and specify a number.
showing or hiding rows or columns
•You can hide rows or columns you do not want to show in a crosstab.
•The values of hidden rows and columns are included in the More & hidden subtotal, & are still included in the summary.
•You cannot hide items in a selection-based set.
•To hide, simply right click a row or column & click on Hide.
Managing focused Analysis
•You can explore your data to look for significant comparisons and correlations by :
•Drilling down and up
•Going to another report or package
•Showing values as percentages
•Sorting values
•Showing values graphically in charts
Drills – Up, Down & Through
•Data can be analyzed in detail by Left clicking to drill down or Right clickà Drill Up for higher level display.
•Right clicking a row or column value & Selecting Go To takes user to another report using Drill-Through functionality.
–A drill Through Definition must be specified in Cognos connection to fulfill this task.
Showing values as percentages
•You can show values as a percentage or share of a crosstab total to compare the contribution of an item to the whole.
•Right-click the measures corner of the crosstab àClick Show Values As.
•Choose the type of percentage you want:
–To show how each value in a row contributes to the total for the row, click % of Each Row Total. –To show how each value in a column contributes to the total for the column, click % of Each Column Total .
–To show how each value in the crosstab contributes to the total for the crosstab, click % of Overall Total.
•The % of Overall Total option is available only when there is one overall total for the crosstab. If you insert a stacked set, resulting in multiple totals, the values revert to the default Actual Values.
•You can list items in ascending or descending order based on
–a value, such as revenue
–a label, such as name
•You can use columns for rows & rows for columns for custom sorting.
•Use charts to reveal trends and relationships that are not evident in tabular reports
•Charts plot the crosstab rows as the data series. Nested rows appear as joined items in the legend.
•Stacked rows appear sequentially in the legend.
•Charts plot the crosstab columns on the x-axis. Nested columns are clustered on the x-axis.
•Stacked columns are plotted sequentially on the x-axis.
Controlling values
•You can filter out unnecessary items using a variety of techniques, depending on your business question,
•You can
–filter values to show only the items you want to view
–exclude items to eliminate unwanted information
–apply a top or bottom rule, which is useful when analyzing a large amount of data
–create a user-defined filter to limit the items shown to those that meet a specific criteria
–remove rows or columns containing only missing values
Context to filter data
•You can use one or more items to quickly focus your analysis on a particular view of the data.
•This technique is known as filtering using context.
•This is similar to Layers in PowerPlay reports.
•To specify a context, drag a level to Context field in Overview pane.
Exclude data
•You can choose to remove individual items that are not needed in your analysis.
•When you exclude items, you exclude the value from the Subtotal (included) subtotal, as well as hide the row or column from view.
•To Exclude, Right-click a row or column and click Exclude.
Limit data to Top / Bottom values
•You can limit the data to the top or bottom values of a set.
•This helps to keep the data shown in the work area small, even when using large data sources.
•To do so :
–Select the set that you want to limit.
–Click the top or bottom button on the toolbar.
–Under Top or bottom, click Top or Bottom.
–Under Number of items, specify a number, percentage, or cumulative sum.
–In the By measure box, click the measure that you want to use
User defined filters
•User defined filters helps in eliminating data that is not matching certain business criteria.
•Filters cannot use calculations that reference the set being filtered because this creates a circular reference.
•Depending how ranking functions (such as rank or quartile) or percentage functions (such as percent of total) are customized, they may not be available when defining a filter.
Steps to define a filter
•Select a set.
•Click the filter button on the toolbar.
•Click Add a filter line.
•Under Type, select the type of filter - measure, label, or attribute
•Select the item on which to filter.
•Select the operator.
•Specify the value.
•Specify the row or column.
Creating custom Ranking
•Select a row or column to rank.
•Click the calculate button on the toolbar.
•Click Custom.
•In the Operation type box, click Ranking.
•Under Rank, click Custom.
•Choose the options that you want:
–Specify whether to rank the highest value or the lowest value as number 1.
–Change the scope of the rank, such as by ranking only within visible items.
–Rank by the innermost or outermost nested set in a crosstab.
•Click OK.
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