Organizations embracing the Balanced Scorecard methodology use scorecards to view performance metrics of their organization at different levels.
To develop a scorecard, you must familiarize yourself with and use both Metric Designer and Metric Studio.
*You use Metric Designer to gather metrics from import sources and prepare them for use in Metric Studio.
USE :--
Metric Studio enables users to monitor the business using key metrics and, when necessary, begin to understand more about the performance of the metric by easily reviewing reports created with Report Studio that are linked to the scorecards and metrics.
Introduction to Metric Designer
*You use Metric Designer to gather metrics from your import source to be transferred into Metric Studio.
*This client application is installed on the business manager’s (or the person responsible for working with Metric Studio) desktop.
*You interact with Metric Designer using the Metric Extract Wizard.
(The wizard displays several screens used to identify metrics to be extracted, define scorecards and the metrics to be displayed on each scorecard, map time periods, identify default currency, and optionally filter the data.)
Create Metrics
Loading metrics is a two-step process:
1. Create a metrics extract. Identify and extract the metrics from a data source package or PowerPlay cube to be used with Metric Studio. The metrics extract is stored in a staging area or in flat files that can be ported to other computers using Cognos 8 or other metrics applications that understand the file structure.
2. Import metrics. Import the extract from staging tables or from flat files into the metric store.
You use two Cognos 8 components to accomplish these steps.
* First, Metric Designer is used to extract the metric data from the import source.
* Then, Cognos Connection is used to import the data from the staging area into Metric Studio
You use Metric Designer only to modify or add new metrics asbusiness requirements change.
Metric Types
A metric type defines how metrics are grouped and the behavior of all metrics of that type.You must define all metric types to be used in Metric Studio. To define a metric type, you provide values for metric type attributes.
Attributes of Metrics
• Business Calendar Level The values can be Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly. This value identifies how often the metric is updated, also known as the metric scope, and is displayed as the Time Period on the Metric Types page.
• Unit Of Measure Choose between General (the default), Currency, and Percent.
• Unit Symbol If you chose Currency or Percent for the Unit Of Measure, this setting controls whether you see the dollar sign or percent sign with the number.
• Decimal Places Choose how many decimal places should be included with the number when displayed.
• Business Calendar Rollup Calculation When loading metrics from Metric Designer, most of the time this value should be set to Rollup Is Supplied By Client, which defaults to the values provided in the dimensional data source. You must select one of the Value Calculation settings for the Actual, Target, and Tolerance values
• Performance Pattern Identifies when the target value is positive, which provides a green indicator for the value. For example, revenue above target is positive; safety below target is positive; marketing expenditures on target are positive.
• Permissions Identifies which metrics users can see this metric type.
Create a Metric Type
Metric Types can be created in either Metric Designer or in Metric Studio. In this section, we
will use Metric Studio to quickly create two new Metric Types for use in the rest of this chapter, a Revenue Metric Type and a Percent Metric Type.
how to create the Revenue Metric Type from Metric Studio:
1. From the Metric Types pane, click the New Metric Type icon. The New Metric Type screen displays
2. Enter the Metric Type Name (Revenue).
3. Click OK to accept the defaults for all other attributes and create the Revenue Metric Type.
how to create the Percent Metric Type from Metric Studio:
1. From the Metric Types pane, click the New Metric Type icon.
2. Enter the Metric Type Name (Percent).
3. In the Number Format section of the General screen, change Unit to Percent
4. Click the Columns And Calculations tab.
5. In the Actual area, from the Business Calendar Rollup Calculation drop-down menu,select Rollup Is Supplied By Client
6. In the Target and Tolerance areas, from the Business Calendar Rollup Calculation drop-down menus, select Rollup Is Average Of Individual Values.
7. Click OK to create the Percent Metric Type.
Create a Metrics Extract from a Dimensional Source
(You must have created a metric package prior to attempting to extract metrics for use with
Metric Studio)
A metric extract contains all relevant information gathered from a dimensional data source to be used to create scorecards and metrics
how to create a metric extract from dimensional sources using Metric Designer:
1. Choose Start | All Programs | Cognos 8, and then click Cognos Metric Designer.The Metric Designer window opens, displaying all recent projects as well as commands to create or open projects
2. Click on the Create A New Project link and then in the Project Name text box, enter the name for the project. The project file is used to store the definitions related to the extract. You will set the definitions in this procedure.
3. Click the folder to the right of the Location text box. The Select Project Location dialog opens.
4. Choose a location to be used to store the project file and click OK twice. The Logon dialog displays, as shown next. You must pass authentication by logging on before you can create a project.
5. Enter your User ID and Password in the Logon dialog and click OK. The Create Metric Package Reference dialog opens:
6. Click the folder to the right of the Metric Package Location In The Content Store text box. The Select Metric Package In Content Store dialog opens, as shown next. The dialog displays all metric packages available for use with Metric Studio. If none of the packages can be selected, then you may not have created the Metric Package.
7. Select the metric package that you created and click OK. The Select Metric Package In Content Store dialog closes and the Location Entry box displays the path to the project file location in the Create Metric Package Reference dialog.
8. Click OK. Cognos 8 displays a message indicating the metric package reference was uccessfully created. You have the option to open the Metrics Extract Wizard to identify the metric to be created.
9. Click Yes. The Create Extract screen of the Metric Extract Wizard opens, as shown next. The Metric Extract Wizard steps you through the process of identifying the metrics to be extracted and imported into the data store. Using the wizard, you also map time periods, identify default currency, and can optionally filter the data.
10. In the Create Extract - Provide Name screen’s Name text box, enter the name to be given to the extract. This names the metric extract.
11. Click Next. The Create Extract - Select Import Source screen displays
12. Click Create Package Import Source. The Create Import Source - Name window opens. nter a Name to be assigned to the import source and click Next. The Create Import Source - Select Package screen displays
13. Click the folder to the right of the text box. The Select Metric Package In Content Store screen opens, as shown next, with a list of import sources from which you can choose. All packages created for use with Metric Designer display in this screen
14. In the Select Metric Package In Content Store screen, select a metric package and click OK. The screen closes.
15. Click Finish. The Create Import Source screen closes, and Metric Designer displays a message indicating the package is being accessed.
16. Click Next. The Create Extract - Scorecard Mapping screen displays, as shown next.Using the Available Objects, New Scorecard Levels, and Level Attributes panes, you build your scorecard hierarchy.
17. From the Create Extract - Scorecard Mapping screen, drag the objects to be used in the scorecard from the Available Objects pane into the New Scorecard Levels pane. In this example, we use Products, Product line, and Product type
(You can also access the Create Extract screen of the Metric Extract Wizard by opening an existing project from the Metric Designer main page, expanding the hierarchy, right-clicking the
metrics store in the Metric Designer Project Explorer, and selecting Create Metrics Extract from
the menu that displays.)
*The objects nest themselves in a hierarchy in the New Scorecard Levels pane based on how they are dragged into the pane.
*The Identification Code attribute indicates the name assigned to the scorecard level.
*If you are not sure that your internal naming conventions ensure unique names, you should set the Append Scorecard attribute to Yes.
18. Click Next. The Create Extract - Time Periods Filtering screen displays, as shown
next, in which you identify the time periods to be extracted from the data source.
Use the time period options as follows:
• Use All Time Periods
• Use The Current Time Period
• Use The Last Completed Period
• Use The Selected Time Periods
19. From the Select Time Periods pane, select the time period on which to filter your
20. Click the Edit Metric Studio Time Mappings link at the bottom of the window. The Time And Currency Mappings window opens with the Specify Business Calendar Mappings screen, as shown next.You must map the Metric Studio calendar to the data in the dimensional data source.
(You need to complete the time mappings only one time per dimensional import source.
However, you need to complete the time mappings for every time level that you want to include
in your scorecard.)
21. Click the ellipsis to the right of an unmapped date range. The screen displays the available objects in the data source.
22. Expand the tree in this screen to navigate to the entry in the data source that matches the Metric Studio range
23. Click OK. The mapped data displays in the Data Mapping cloumn to the right of the Business Calendar Members cloumn.
24. Repeat steps 21 through 23 to map the data in the data source for all levels available in the Business Calendar Levels pane, such as the Year, Quarter, and Month. Your metric package may include weeks and days.
25. When you have completed mapping all levels and members, click Next. The Specify currency Mappings screen display . Use this screen to specify currency to be used in Metric Studio. The default is US Dollars.
26. Click Next. The Select Dimensions screen displays, as shown next, where you identify which standard reports should be created
27. Click the Select All link at the bottom of the list of reports to identify the dimensions you want to display as reports in the scorecard; optionally, click the checkbox next to each report to identify them individually.
28. Click Finish. The Time and Currency Mappings window closes.
29. In the Create Extract - Time Periods Filter screen, click Next. The Create Extract -Metrics Mapping screen displays. You use this screen to identify the true metric value to be used in the scorecard.
30. From the Available Objects pane, drag measures into the Metric Mappings pane
31. From the Metric Type drop-down list, you must select a metric type for each metric.
32. From the Available Objects pane, drag a measure into the Target field of the Metric attributes pane for each metric
33. For each metric, click the ellipsis to the right of the Tolerance attribute
34. In the Expression Definition pane, enter a percentage in decimal format.
35. Click OK. Metric Designer saves the percentage and closes the Expression Editorscreen.
36. Set the value of the Aggregate Function and Rollup Aggregate Function to None.Setting these values to None allows Cognos 8 Framework Manager rollup capabilities to work instead of defining the capabilities in Metric Designer.
37. Click Next. The Create Extract - Filter Data screen displays, as shown in the next illustration. You identify the values to be included in the scorecard in this screen.
38. Click Refresh at the bottom of the screen. The Assign Metric Values To Scorecards pane displays the objects to be included in the scorecard.
39. Expand the hierarchy to verify the objects and optionally deselect an object to remove it from the metrics extract.
40. Click Finish. A dialog prompts you to validate the metric extract definition.
41. Click Yes. Metric Designer checks the metric extract definition for errors and displays
a dialog identifying whether or not errors have been located.
42. Click OK. Metric Designer closes the dialog and displays an Object Diagram showing the data source where the data originates, the name of the data extract, and the name of the package to receive the data:
43. Right-click the name of the metric extract (depicted as Revenue Demo in the preceding illustration) to display a context menu.
44. From the context menu, choose Execute. The Execute Extract window opens. In this
window, identify the location where the data extract should be stored. You can choose from the following options:
• Write To Metric Staging Area Choose to write database files used to load the data directly into Metric Studio.
• Write To Files Choose to create flat files of a specific format that can be moved to any location and uploaded into Metric Studio or any other metric system. The files are given several different extensions. CMV (Cognos Metric Values) is one of them. See the Cognos manual for information about the different file formats.
Add Multiple Metrics to a Single Scorecard
When creating scorecards in Metric Designer, you can identify multiple metric mappings to be shown on one scorecard.
how to add multiple metrics to a scorecard:
1. In the Metric Designer Project Explorer, double-click a metrics package. The Edit Extract window opens with the Scorecard Mapping tab in view.
2. Click the Metrics Mapping tab. All metrics created for this scorecard display in the Metric Mappings pane of the Edit Extract screen
3. Click Create beneath the Metric Mappings pane. The New Metric dialog opens.
4. In the Name pane, type a name and select a Metric type from the list.
5. Click OK. Metric Designer closes the New Metric dialog. The newly named metric displays in the Metric Mappings pane. The metric type and settings for the metric attributes also display on the screen.
6. Click the ellipsis to the right of the Actual property. The Expression Editor screen opens. You define the metric calculation in this window.
7. From the Available Components pane, drag metrics into the Expression Definition pane to create the calculation.
8. Set the Target value.
9. Set the Tolerance value.
10. Set the Aggregate Function and Rollup Aggregate Function to None.
11. Repeat steps 3 through 10 to create additional metrics for the current scorecard.
12. Click OK. Metric Designer saves your work and closes the Edit Extract window.
Ensure Scorecards Have Unique ID Codes
*The identification code must be unique
*You can either have Cognos 8 ensure unique naming or you can name the scorecard yourself.
*Both of these activities are performed from Metric Designer’s Create Extract - Scorecard Mapping screen.
how to have Cognos 8 ensure unique naming:
1. From Metric Designer, double-click the metric extract to open the Edit Extract window.
2. In the New Scorecard Levels pane, select the metric.
3. In the Level Attributes pane, click the drop-down arrow at the right of the Append Scorecard attribute.
4. From the list, select Yes. Cognos 8 automatically concatenates the object names beginning with the top-most object to ensure unique scorecard naming.

Introduction to Metric Studio
(With Metric Studio, shown next, you can monitor and analyze your organization’s business
metrics by creating a scorecarding environment. Metric Studio allows you to establish criteria
and then monitor your organization to see how it is responding as the criteria changes)
Metric Studio is an add-on component to Cognos 8.
Selecting Scorecards at the bottom-left of the screen displays all available scorecards in
the pane.
The first column includes circle, triangle, and square symbols indicating excellent, average, and poor performance, respectively
The second column includes up arrow, horizontal line, and down arrow symbols, indicating whether the performance is better, the same, or worse, respectively, in comparison to the prior month by default
The tabs at the upper-right of the screen let you display other views of the scoredcard information:
• Metrics By default, provides access to all metric reports available for your security
• Projects Create a project and assign metrics for tracking the project.
• Reports View selected Cognos 8 reports that are linked to a scorecard, providing an overview of related data.
• Diagrams Create strategy maps to bring all metrics together as needed to achieve corporate strategy. For more information on strategy maps. As on the main Metric Studio screen, you can move your pointer over any of the strategies to view details of each.
• Details Provides extra information about each scorecard, including a detailed description, technical description, owners, permissions, and the path to the location of the data required to create the scorecard.
Upon selecting a metric from the list, two other tabs become available. The name of the selected metric is displayed at the top of the main area.
• History Provides historical information about the metric. History can be viewed as a diagram or a list. The list provides more details about the metric.
• Actions Allows you to create an action on an issue that can be recorded, tracked, and viewed for improvement in the metric.
Accessing Metric Studio
You access Metric Studio from Cognos Connection. Metric Studio opens in the same web browser as Cognos
Transfer Metrics
Having launched Metric Studio, the next step is to transfer the data extracted with Metric
Designer into Metric Studio to update your scorecards. When creating the metric extract, the
metrics can be extracted to a staging area or to a set of flat files.
1)Transfer Metrics from the Staging Area
2)Transfer Metrics from Flat Tables
Work with Scorecards
After metrics have been transferred into Metric Studio, you can create new relationships
between the metric data or add new metrics to existing scorecards. Both of these activities
help you create a balanced scorecard
how to create a new relationship:
1. Launch Metric Studio.
2. Click Metrics Types at the bottom left of the screen to display all existing metric types.
3. In the Metric Types pane, click a metric type. The Metric Types pane displays all available metric types for the scorecard.
4. Click the Diagrams tab.
5. Click the pencil (edit) icon, at the bottom right of the page, to edit the diagram. The metric type selected in the Metric Types pane displays in the Edit Impact Diagram pane to the right
6. Click the Impacted or the Impacting button to edit the diagram. The Select Metrics -
Impact Diagram window opens.
7. Navigate to the appropriate metric and select the checkbox next to the item to be
used as the impacted or impacting metric type.
8. Click OK. Metric Studio closes the Select Metrics - Impact Diagram window, and updates the diagram to show the new relationship between the two metric types.
9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 to edit the diagram as desired.
10. Click OK. Metric Studio closes the Edit Impact Diagram screen. The result of creating the relationship between these metrics can be seen throughout the scorecard.
Add Metrics to Scorecards in Metric Studio
(In its simplest form, a scorecard is a collection of metrics. At times, you will find it necessary
to create a scorecard with a unique collection of metrics. You can do this by creating a scorecard and adding shortcuts to metrics.)
how to create a scorecard:
1. From the Scorecards pane, click New Scorecard. The New Scorecard pane displays the General tab.
(The current Cognos 8 security model only passes scorecard security to metrics, not to metric shortcuts. To be safe you must review the metrics that a user can view. Double check the All Metrics scorecard and the Metrics Type navigation area. It is possible for a user to see metrics that you do not want them to see.)
2. In the Name text box on the General tab, enter a name for the scorecard.
3. Click OK. The new scorecard displays at the highest level in the hierarchy in the
Scorecards pane. You must identify the metrics to be added to the scorecard.
4. Click the scorecard to select it to add metrics.
5. Click the Metrics tab. A screen displays in which you can add metrics.
6. Click the Add Shortcuts to Metrics button. The Select Metrics window opens.
7. Navigate to the appropriate metric.
8. Select the check box next to one or more metrics to be added to the scorecard.
9. Click OK. The Scorecard pane updates to display all metrics selected.
Create Scorecard Strategies
*Metric Studio allows strategies and strategy elements in a complex strategy to be created.
*Metrics are assigned to a strategy to track whether the balanced scorecard perspectives are
being improved.
*Strategy elements provide more detail for the perspective and can have metrics assigned to
them as well.
*Strategy maps are developed graphically by selecting strategy “shortcuts” and determining
how the strategies relate to each other, as shown next.
* You can bring the strategy map into play at the metric level, the metric type level, or the scorecard level to see the strategy of the organization
Develop Watch Lists
*Watch lists are used to gather metrics of interest in one location so that they can be “watched”
and potentially corrected.
*You can set alerts on the metric so that you are notified of changes to the metrics in the watch list via e-mail.
*The metrics added to the watch list can be those for which you are accountable or those that impact a perspective that is failing and needs additional oversight.